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Canada location

Canada is country located in North America and it covers 9984670 km² of area. It has population* of 33679000 and population density of 3.4 people/km². Neighbor countries: United States.

Latitude-longitude position of Canada

Latitude (dec.) Latitude (DMS)
North border 83.6381000 83° 38' 17.16" N
South border 41.6765559 41° 40' 35.601" N
West border East border
Longitude (dec.) -141.0018700 -50.9766000
Longitude (DMS) 141° 0' 6.732" W 50° 58' 35.76" W

(info) What is latitude longitude?
Quick facts: Capital of Canada is Ottawa, currency Dollar, (CAD), top-level domain: .ca. Phone calling code: +1. Canada is located in time zones from GMT-7 (Saturday, 12:36 AM) to GMT-2:30 (Saturday, 05:06 AM).

Canada on time-zone map

List of locations types:

List of location types in Canada, sort by number of items in a group:
Lake ( 104662 )
Stream ( 48880 )
Island ( 19322 )
Populated place ( 14332 )
Point ( 12807 )
Area ( 12022 )
Bay ( 11332 )
Mountain ( 8918 )
Pond ( 7281 )
Shoals ( 7210 )
Hotel ( 5536 )
Cove(s) ( 5378 )
Populated locality ( 4699 )
Reservation ( 3844 )
Hill ( 3348 )
Channel ( 3233 )
Park ( 2616 )
Lakes ( 1943 )
Rapids ( 1926 )
Reserve ( 1845 )
Headland ( 1559 )
Cape ( 1557 )
Peak ( 1550 )
Overfalls ( 1521 )
Administrative division ( 1473 )
Bridge ( 1436 )
Islands ( 1408 )
Beach ( 1270 )
Harbor(s) ( 1196 )
Plain(s) ( 1195 )
Third-order administrative division ( 1116 )
Glacier(s) ( 1094 )
Valley ( 919 )
Post office ( 845 )
Ridge(s) ( 805 )
Dam ( 796 )
Marsh(es) ( 670 )
Portage ( 614 )
Peninsula ( 573 )
Inlet ( 572 )
Cliff(s) ( 554 )
Reef(s) ( 552 )
Pass ( 511 )
Ledge ( 504 )
Airport ( 489 )
Drainage canal ( 471 )
Meteorological station ( 459 )
Hills ( 405 )
Section of populated place ( 328 )
Gully ( 271 )
Ponds ( 266 )
Bog(s) ( 186 )
Bight(s) ( 177 )
Railroad station ( 170 )
Canyon ( 157 )
Fjord ( 156 )
Military base ( 144 )
Ravine(s) ( 134 )
Second-order administrative division ( 133 )
Lighthouse ( 126 )
Reservoir(s) ( 120 )
Camp(s) ( 120 )
Peaks ( 112 )
Forest(s) ( 111 )
Mountains ( 107 )
Spring(s) ( 103 )
Beacon ( 91 )
Cave(s) ( 67 )
Parish ( 65 )
Seaplane landing area ( 62 )

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