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China location

China is country located in Asia and it covers 9596960 km² of area. It has population* of 1330044000 and population density of 138.6 people/km². Neighbor countries: Laos, Bhutan, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Afghanistan, Nepal, Myanmar, Kyrgyzstan, Pakistan, North Korea, Russia, Vietnam, India.

Latitude-longitude position of China

Latitude (dec.) Latitude (DMS)
North border 53.5609740 53° 33' 39.506" N
South border 17.9996000 17° 59' 58.56" N
West border East border
Longitude (dec.) 73.4994136 134.7728099
Longitude (DMS) 73° 29' 57.889" E 134° 46' 22.116" E

(info) What is latitude longitude?
Quick facts: Capital of China is Beijing, currency Yuan Renminbi, (CNY), top-level domain: .cn. Phone calling code: +86. China is located in time zones from GMT+6 (Saturday, 02:02 PM) to GMT+8 (Saturday, 04:02 PM).

China on time-zone map

List of locations types:

List of location types in China, sort by number of items in a group:
Populated place ( 621851 )
Seat of a fourth-order administrative division ( 12207 )
Grazing area ( 10631 )
Fourth-order administrative division ( 8949 )
Farm village ( 8127 )
Hotel ( 7952 )
Reservoir(s) ( 3562 )
Stream ( 3471 )
Third-order administrative division ( 2903 )
Mountain ( 2844 )
Island ( 1827 )
Seat of a third-order administrative division ( 1782 )
Lake ( 1162 )
Pass ( 860 )
Bridge ( 828 )
Hill ( 675 )
Railroad station ( 552 )
Mountains ( 443 )
Point ( 390 )
Second-order administrative division ( 360 )
Peak ( 354 )
Factory ( 297 )
Airport ( 289 )
Reef(s) ( 272 )
Bay ( 245 )
Canal ( 218 )
Locality ( 205 )
Administrative facility ( 201 )
Rock ( 197 )
School ( 188 )
Temple(s) ( 172 )
Power station ( 166 )
Spring(s) ( 163 )
Harbor(s) ( 151 )
Airfield ( 138 )
Seat of a second-order administrative division ( 131 )
Marine channel ( 98 )
Airbase ( 95 )
Ravine(s) ( 94 )
Park ( 90 )
Hospital ( 89 )
Port ( 83 )
Coal mine(s) ( 83 )
Shoal(s) ( 72 )
Islands ( 71 )
Facility ( 69 )
Canalized stream ( 68 )
Diplomatic facility ( 66 )
Tower ( 64 )
Road ( 58 )
Stream mouth(s) ( 55 )
Tomb(s) ( 53 )
Railroad ( 48 )
Heliport ( 47 )
Tunnel ( 46 )
Lock(s) ( 44 )
Historical site ( 42 )
Archaeological/prehistoric site ( 42 )
Police post ( 41 )
Channel ( 41 )
Pond ( 39 )
Abandoned airfield ( 38 )
Reach ( 38 )
Beacon ( 38 )
Ferry ( 36 )
Tidal flat(s) ( 35 )
Nature reserve ( 35 )
Section of stream ( 33 )
Mine(s) ( 33 )
Post office ( 32 )

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