Location.zone > Mexico > Populated place > Baja California > Poblado Chulavista (El Chorizo)

Location of Poblado Chulavista (El Chorizo), Mexico

Poblado Chulavista (El Chorizo), (populated place) is located in Baja California, in Mexico (America). It is placed in GMT-7 time zone with current time of 06:25 AM, Saturday. Offset from your time zone: minutes.

Latitude position of Poblado Chulavista (El Chorizo)

decimal 30.74722
DMS 30° 44' 49.992" N
Distances from
North pole 6588.3 km
Equator 3418.8 km
South pole 13425.8 km

Longitude position

decimal -116.00306
DMS 116° 0' 11.016" W
Distance from prime meridian:
10405.2 km to West

Location of Poblado Chulavista (El Chorizo) relative to...

..nearest places ..largest cities in MX ..largest cities in the world

List of nearest places sort by population

Vicente Guerrero 2.2 km 146°
Camalú 12 km 331°
Emiliano Zapata 0.8 km
San Quintín 21.5 km 164°
Colonia Lomas de San Ramón (Triquis) 5.1 km 179°
Colonia Nueva Era 27.8 km 163°
La Providencia 28.8 km 328°
Ejido General Leandro Valle 14.4 km 165°
Las Brisas 28.3 km 327°
Pueblo Benito García 26.6 km 165°
Poblado Chulavista (El Chorizo)
28.8 km
Vicente Guerrero
San Quintín
Colonia Nueva Era
La Providencia
Ejido General Leandro Valle

Position of Poblado Chulavista (El Chorizo) on maps

Marker is showing location of Poblado Chulavista (El Chorizo) on map(s). You can click on marker if you want to hide it.

Street Map Political Natural Population Night


T: 0.0294 s.

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