Location.zone > Sweden > Rapids > Alanen Liedakkakoski

Location of Alanen Liedakkakoski, Sweden

Alanen Liedakkakoski, (rapids) is located in Norrbotten, in Sweden (Europe). It is placed in GMT+1 time zone with current time of 06:49 PM, Thursday. Offset from your time zone: minutes.

Latitude position of Alanen Liedakkakoski

decimal 68.35452
DMS 68° 21' 16.272" N
Distances from
North pole 2406.8 km
Equator 7600.3 km
South pole 17607.4 km

Longitude position

decimal 21.54739
DMS 21° 32' 50.604" E
Distance from prime meridian:
879.2 km to East

Location of Alanen Liedakkakoski relative to...

..nearest places ..largest cities in SE ..largest cities in the world

List of nearest places sort by population

Kiruna 78 km 224°
Boden 281.3 km 178°
Gällivare 140.9 km 195°
Malmberget 136.4 km 195°
Jokkmokk 207.7 km 200°
Pajala 148.2 km 148°
Råneå 279.8 km 173°
Övertorneå 236.5 km 157°
Töre 275.7 km 170°
Överkalix 232.1 km 166°
Alanen Liedakkakoski
281.3 km

Position of Alanen Liedakkakoski on maps

Marker is showing location of Alanen Liedakkakoski on map(s). You can click on marker if you want to hide it.

Street Map Political Natural Population Night


T: 0.00454 s.

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