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Populated place in Canada

List of populated place in Canada (found 71 locations). Category description: A city, town, village, or other agglomeration of buildings where people live and work
Bel Air Heights (Ontario)
Bel Air Park (Ontario)
Bel Ayr Park (Nova Scotia)
Belair (New Brunswick)
Belanger (Ontario)
Belangers Corner (Ontario)
Belbutte (Saskatchewan)
Belcarra (British Columbia)
Belcher Street (Nova Scotia)
Belcourt (Quebec)
Belcreft Beach (Ontario)
Belfast (Ontario)
Belfast (Prince Edward Island)
Belford (Ontario)
Belfountain (Ontario)
Belgiumtown (Nova Scotia)
Belhaven (Ontario)
Bell Acres (British Columbia)
Bell Ewart (Ontario)
Bell Falls (Quebec)
Bell Grove (Ontario)
Bell Neck (Nova Scotia)
Bell Rapids (Ontario)
Bella Bella (British Columbia)
Bella Coola (British Columbia)
Bellamys (Ontario)
Bellamys Mill (Ontario)
Bellburns (Newfoundland and Labrador)
Belle Plaine (Saskatchewan)
Belle River (Ontario)
Belle-Marche (Nova Scotia)
Bellefeuille (Quebec)
Bellefeuille (Quebec)
Belleisle (Nova Scotia)
Belleisle Creek (New Brunswick)
Belleoram (Newfoundland and Labrador)
Bellerive (Quebec)
Belleterre (Quebec)
Belleview Beach (Ontario)
Belleville (Ontario)
Belleville (Nova Scotia)
Belleville North (Nova Scotia)
Belleville South (Nova Scotia)
Bellevue (Alberta)
Bellevue (Quebec)
Bellevue (Quebec)
Bellevue (Newfoundland and Labrador)
Bellheck (Ontario)
Bellis (Alberta)
Belliveau Village (New Brunswick)
Belliveaus Cove (Nova Scotia)
Bells Corners (Ontario)
Bells Corners (Ontario)
Bells Crossing (Ontario)
Bells Mills (New Brunswick)
Bellsite (Manitoba)
Bellwood (Ontario)
Bellwood (Ontario)
Belmeade (Ontario)
Belmina (Quebec)
Belmont (Manitoba)
Belmont (New Brunswick)
Belmont (Nova Scotia)
Belmont (Nova Scotia)
Belmont Park (British Columbia)
Belmore (Ontario)
Belnan (Nova Scotia)
Beloeil (Quebec)
Belton (Ontario)
Belwood (Ontario)
Belyeas Cove (New Brunswick)

T: 0.00993 s.

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