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Populated place in Canada

List of populated place in Canada (found 83 locations). Category description: A city, town, village, or other agglomeration of buildings where people live and work
Lake (Ontario)
Lake Alma (Saskatchewan)
Lake Annis (Nova Scotia)
Lake Bernard (Ontario)
Lake Centre (Nova Scotia)
Lake Charles (Ontario)
Lake Charlotte (Nova Scotia)
Lake Charlotte (Nova Scotia)
Lake Clear (Ontario)
Lake Cowichan (British Columbia)
Lake Dalrymple (Ontario)
Lake Doucette (Nova Scotia)
Lake Erie Country Club (Ontario)
Lake George (Nova Scotia)
Lake George (Nova Scotia)
Lake Hill (British Columbia)
Lake Huron Highland (Ontario)
Lake Killarney (Nova Scotia)
Lake La Rose (Nova Scotia)
Lake Lenore (Saskatchewan)
Lake Louise (Alberta)
Lake Major (Nova Scotia)
Lake Midway (Nova Scotia)
Lake Opinicon (Ontario)
Lake Park (Ontario)
Lake Paul (Nova Scotia)
Lake Pleasant (Nova Scotia)
Lake Ramsay (Nova Scotia)
Lake River (Ontario)
Lake Road (New Brunswick)
Lake Road (New Brunswick)
Lake Road (Nova Scotia)
Lake Road (Nova Scotia)
Lake Rosalind (Ontario)
Lake St. Peter (Ontario)
Lake Valley (Saskatchewan)
Lake Wasaw (Ontario)
Lake William (Nova Scotia)
Lake on the Mountain (Ontario)
Lakeburn (New Brunswick)
Lakefield (Ontario)
Lakefield (Quebec)
Lakehurst (Ontario)
Lakehurst (Ontario)
Lakeland Acres (Ontario)
Lakeland Point (Ontario)
Lakelands (Nova Scotia)
Lakelands (Nova Scotia)
Lakelet (Ontario)
Lakelse Lake (British Columbia)
Lakenheath (Saskatchewan)
Lakeridge (Saskatchewan)
Lakeroad (Quebec)
Lakeshore (Ontario)
Lakeshore Village (Ontario)
Lakeside (Prince Edward Island)
Lakeside (New Brunswick)
Lakeside (Nova Scotia)
Lakeside (Nova Scotia)
Lakeside Beach (Ontario)
Lakeside Heights (Quebec)
Laketon (New Brunswick)
Lakevale (Nova Scotia)
Lakeview (Alberta)
Lakeview (Nova Scotia)
Lakeview (Saskatchewan)
Lakeview (Saskatchewan)
Lakeview (Ontario)
Lakeview (Quebec)
Lakeview (New Brunswick)
Lakeview (New Brunswick)
Lakeview (Nova Scotia)
Lakeview (Nova Scotia)
Lakeview Beach (Ontario)
Lakeview Estates (Ontario)
Lakeview Heights (British Columbia)
Lakeview Park (Ontario)
Lakeville (Nova Scotia)
Lakeville Corner (New Brunswick)
Lakewood (Saskatchewan)
Lakewood (Ontario)
Lakewood (New Brunswick)
Lakewood Heights (New Brunswick)

T: 0.0097 s.

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