Location.zone > Chile > Populated place > Palena

Location of Palena, Chile

Palena, (populated place) is located in Los Lagos, in Chile (America). It is placed in GMT-3 time zone with current time of 05:00 PM, Sunday. Offset from your time zone: minutes.

Latitude position of Palena

decimal -43.61876
DMS 43° 37' 7.536" S
Distances from
North pole 14857 km
Equator 4850 km
South pole 5157.1 km

Longitude position

decimal -71.80434
DMS 71° 48' 15.624" W
Distance from prime meridian:
5586.3 km to West

Location of Palena relative to...

..nearest places ..largest cities in CL ..largest cities in the world

List of nearest places sort by population

Coihaique 218.5 km 185°
Castro 204.6 km 308°
Quellón 156.7 km 290°
Puerto Aisén 210.5 km 199°
Chonchi 194.8 km 304°
Chaitén 107 km 316°
Puerto Cisnes 144.3 km 209°
Futaleufú 48.5 km 353°
Puerto Chacabuco 220.6 km 201°
La Junta 62.4 km 230°
220.6 km
Puerto Aisén
Puerto Cisnes
La Junta

Position of Palena on maps

Marker is showing location of Palena on map(s). You can click on marker if you want to hide it.

Street Map Political Natural Population Night


T: 0.01061 s.

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