Location.zone > China > Populated place > Gansu Sheng > Leijia Tuanzhuang

Location of Leijia Tuanzhuang, China

Leijia Tuanzhuang, (populated place) is located in Gansu Sheng, in China (Asia). It is placed in GMT+8 time zone with current time of 11:59 PM, Sunday. Offset from your time zone: minutes.

Latitude position of Leijia Tuanzhuang

decimal 37.361
DMS 37° 21' 39.6" N
Distances from
North pole 5852.9 km
Equator 4154.2 km
South pole 14161.2 km

Longitude position

decimal 103.501
DMS 103° 30' 3.6" E
Distance from prime meridian:
8589 km to East

Location of Leijia Tuanzhuang relative to...

..nearest places ..largest cities in CN ..largest cities in the world

List of nearest places sort by population

Lanzhou 148.1 km 168°
Xining 175.1 km 242°
Wuwei 99 km 309°
Yinchuan 272.5 km 63°
Linxia Chengguanzhen 197.5 km 187°
Baiyin 108.3 km 146°
Jinchang 170.9 km 317°
Dawukou 314.5 km 53°
Zhangye 318.9 km 303°
Shitanjing 323.9 km 49°
Leijia Tuanzhuang
323.9 km
Linxia Chengguanzhen

Position of Leijia Tuanzhuang on maps

Marker is showing location of Leijia Tuanzhuang on map(s). You can click on marker if you want to hide it.

Street Map Political Natural Population Night


T: 0.05869 s.

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