Location.zone > Estonia > Historical second-order administrative division > Kõrgessaare vald

Location of Kõrgessaare vald, Estonia

Kõrgessaare vald, (historical second-order administrative division) is located in Hiiumaa, in Estonia (Europe). It is placed in GMT+3 time zone with current time of 09:22 AM, Tuesday. Offset from your time zone: minutes.

Latitude position of Kõrgessaare vald

decimal 58.95426
DMS 58° 57' 15.336" N
Distances from
North pole 3452 km
Equator 6555.1 km
South pole 16562.2 km

Longitude position

decimal 22.51373
DMS 22° 30' 49.428" E
Distance from prime meridian:
1284.9 km to East

Location of Kõrgessaare vald relative to...

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List of nearest places sort by population

Kuressaare 78.5 km 180°
Haapsalu 59 km 91°
Paldiski 98.5 km 62°
Kärdla 14.3 km 70°
Märjamaa 110.1 km 92°
Lihula 82.4 km 111°
Turba 99 km 81°
Uuemõisa 61.7 km 91°
Orissaare 54.8 km 143°
Riisipere 104.3 km 80°
Kõrgessaare vald
110.1 km

Position of Kõrgessaare vald on maps

Marker is showing location of Kõrgessaare vald on map(s). You can click on marker if you want to hide it.

Street Map Political Natural Population Night


T: 0.00407 s.

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