Location.zone > Spain > Seat of a third-order administrative division > San Lorenzo de la Parrilla

Location of San Lorenzo de la Parrilla, Spain

San Lorenzo de la Parrilla, (seat of a third-order administrative division) is located in Castille-La Mancha, in Spain (Europe). It is placed in GMT+1 time zone with current time of 12:27 AM, Friday. Offset from your time zone: minutes.

Latitude position of San Lorenzo de la Parrilla

decimal 39.85129
DMS 39° 51' 4.644" N
Distances from
North pole 5576 km
Equator 4431 km
South pole 14438.1 km

Longitude position

decimal -2.36079
DMS 2° 21' 38.844" W
Distance from prime meridian:
201.5 km to West

Location of San Lorenzo de la Parrilla relative to...

..nearest places ..largest cities in ES ..largest cities in the world

List of nearest places sort by population

Cuenca 30.8 km 38°
San Clemente 50.1 km 186°
Villamayor de Santiago 49.9 km 254°
Belmonte 44 km 221°
Huete 43.1 km 319°
La Alberca de Záncara 39.1 km 196°
Honrubia 27.3 km 165°
Valverde de Júcar 19 km 141°
Los Hinojosos 48.3 km 235°
Villar de Olalla 23 km 37°
San Lorenzo de la Parrilla
50.1 km
San Clemente
Villamayor de Santiago
La Alberca de Záncara
Valverde de Júcar
Los Hinojosos

Position of San Lorenzo de la Parrilla on maps

Marker is showing location of San Lorenzo de la Parrilla on map(s). You can click on marker if you want to hide it.

Street Map Political Natural Population Night


T: 0.02783 s.

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