Location.zone > Portugal > Seat of a second-order administrative division > Pampilhosa da Serra

Location of Pampilhosa da Serra, Portugal

Pampilhosa da Serra, (seat of a second-order administrative division) is located in Coimbra, in Portugal (Europe). It is placed in GMT0 time zone with current time of 10:04 AM, Sunday. Offset from your time zone: minutes.

Latitude position of Pampilhosa da Serra

decimal 40.0462
DMS 40° 2' 46.32" N
Distances from
North pole 5554.3 km
Equator 4452.7 km
South pole 14459.8 km

Longitude position

decimal -7.95182
DMS 7° 57' 6.552" W
Distance from prime meridian:
676.6 km to West

Location of Pampilhosa da Serra relative to...

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List of nearest places sort by population

Tábua 35.7 km 349°
Lousã 26.5 km 287°
Miranda do Corvo 32.8 km 279°
Sertã 29.3 km 205°
Poiares 31.7 km 305°
Proença-a-Nova 32.8 km 175°
Arganil 21 km 335°
Castanheira de Pêra 22.4 km 258°
Góis 18.3 km 312°
São Pedro de Alva 33.6 km 327°
Pampilhosa da Serra
35.7 km
Castanheira de Pêra
São Pedro de Alva

Position of Pampilhosa da Serra on maps

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Street Map Political Natural Population Night


T: 0.00415 s.

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