Location.zone > South Africa > Seat of a third-order administrative division > Vredendal

Location of Vredendal, South Africa

Vredendal, (seat of a third-order administrative division) is located in Western Cape, in South Africa (Africa). It is placed in GMT+2 time zone with current time of 01:55 PM, Sunday. Offset from your time zone: minutes.

Latitude position of Vredendal

decimal -31.66833
DMS 31° 40' 5.988" S
Distances from
North pole 13528.3 km
Equator 3521.2 km
South pole 6485.9 km

Longitude position

decimal 18.50119
DMS 18° 30' 4.284" E
Distance from prime meridian:
1748.7 km to East

Location of Vredendal relative to...

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List of nearest places sort by population

Paarl 233.9 km 169°
Worcester 237.2 km 158°
Saldanha 158.3 km 199°
Atlantis 211.1 km 180°
Wellington 224.3 km 167°
Ceres 203.8 km 158°
Malmesbury 200.4 km 173°
Springbok 230.4 km 345°
Calvinia 122.8 km 79°
Sunset Beach 243 km 180°
243 km

Position of Vredendal on maps

Marker is showing location of Vredendal on map(s). You can click on marker if you want to hide it.

Street Map Political Natural Population Night


T: 0.00286 s.

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