Location.zone > Brazil > Seat of a second-order administrative division > Socorro

Location of Socorro, Brazil

Socorro, (seat of a second-order administrative division) is located in São Paulo, in Brazil (America). It is placed in GMT-3 time zone with current time of 02:05 PM, Sunday. Offset from your time zone: minutes.

Latitude position of Socorro

decimal -22.59139
DMS 22° 35' 29.004" S
Distances from
North pole 12519 km
Equator 2511.9 km
South pole 7495.1 km

Longitude position

decimal -46.52889
DMS 46° 31' 44.004" W
Distance from prime meridian:
4756.1 km to West

Location of Socorro relative to...

..nearest places ..largest cities in BR ..largest cities in the world

List of nearest places sort by population

Bragança Paulista 40.2 km 182°
Itapira 34.7 km 299°
Amparo 27.1 km 243°
Serra Negra 17.8 km 262°
Águas de Lindóia 16.7 km 320°
Jacutinga 35.1 km 345°
Santo Antônio de Posse 40.1 km 267°
Extrema 36.4 km 143°
Monte Sião 18.2 km 345°
Bueno Brandão 24.8 km 47°
40.2 km
Bragança Paulista
Serra Negra
Águas de Lindóia
Santo Antônio de Posse
Bueno Brandão

Position of Socorro on maps

Marker is showing location of Socorro on map(s). You can click on marker if you want to hide it.

Street Map Political Natural Population Night


T: 0.0092 s.

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