Location.zone > United Kingdom

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United Kingdom location

United Kingdom is country located in Europe and it covers 244820 km² of area. It has population* of 62348447 and population density of 254.7 people/km². Neighbor countries: Ireland.

Latitude-longitude position of United Kingdom

Latitude (dec.) Latitude (DMS)
North border 60.9157000 60° 54' 56.52" N
South border 34.5614000 34° 33' 41.04" N
West border East border
Longitude (dec.) -8.8988999 33.9165549
Longitude (DMS) 8° 53' 56.04" W 33° 54' 59.598" E

(info) What is latitude longitude?
Quick facts: Capital of United Kingdom is London, currency Pound, (GBP), top-level domain: .uk. Phone calling code: +44. United Kingdom is located in GMT+1 time zone (current time: Saturday, 07:52 AM). Offset from your time zone: minutes.

United Kingdom on time-zone map

List of locations types:

List of location types in United Kingdom, sort by number of items in a group:
Populated place ( 15485 )
Hotel ( 8310 )
Fourth-order administrative division ( 7730 )
Third-order administrative division ( 3870 )
Railroad station ( 2787 )
Castle ( 2227 )
Stream ( 1682 )
Hospital ( 1356 )
Bay ( 1330 )
Seat of a third-order administrative division ( 949 )
Mountain ( 844 )
Lake ( 817 )
Tower ( 809 )
Point ( 748 )
Section of populated place ( 668 )
Metro station ( 665 )
Estate(s) ( 660 )
Island ( 611 )
Building(s) ( 495 )
Hill ( 433 )
Cape ( 377 )
Rock ( 334 )
Valley ( 324 )
Church ( 291 )
School ( 262 )
Park ( 253 )
Stadium ( 226 )
Bank(s) ( 199 )
Reef(s) ( 192 )
Shoal(s) ( 192 )
Street ( 191 )
Seat of a second-order administrative division ( 188 )
Second-order administrative division ( 185 )
Cove(s) ( 171 )
Populated locality ( 161 )
Forest(s) ( 155 )
Airport ( 152 )
Rocks ( 137 )
Golf course ( 132 )
Sound ( 129 )
Museum ( 119 )
Tree(s) ( 103 )
Ruin(s) ( 103 )
Road ( 102 )
House(s) ( 100 )
Channel ( 98 )
Farm ( 98 )
Locality ( 96 )
Beach ( 96 )
Racetrack ( 85 )
Harbor(s) ( 80 )
Reservoir(s) ( 79 )
Abandoned railroad station ( 78 )
Restaurant ( 78 )
Peninsula ( 77 )
Seat of a fourth-order administrative division ( 76 )
Area ( 75 )
Archaeological/prehistoric site ( 73 )
Oilfield ( 72 )
Lighthouse ( 68 )
Watercourse ( 65 )
Bridge ( 63 )
Canal ( 51 )
Peak ( 51 )
University ( 48 )
Historical site ( 47 )
Administrative division ( 47 )
Sewage treatment plant ( 44 )
Gasfield ( 43 )
Islands ( 42 )

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