Ireland is country located in Europe and it covers 70280 km² of area.
It has population* of 4622917 and population density of 65.8 people/km². Neighbor countries: United Kingdom.
↕ | Latitude (dec.) | Latitude (DMS) |
North border | 55.4602000 | 55° 27' 36.72" N |
South border | 51.3066000 | 51° 18' 23.76" N |
↔ | West border | East border |
Longitude (dec.) | -10.7666001 | -5.6689001 |
Longitude (DMS) | 10° 45' 59.76" W | 5° 40' 8.04" W |
(info) What is latitude longitude?
Quick facts:
Capital of Ireland is Dublin, currency Euro, (EUR), top-level domain: .ie. Phone calling code: +353. Ireland is located in GMT0 time zone (current time: Monday, 03:29 AM). Offset from your time zone: minutes.
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