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Populated place in Canada

List of populated place in Canada (found 493 locations). Category description: A city, town, village, or other agglomeration of buildings where people live and work
Only first 200 location is listed, to reduce the list, select first letter of the item:

L'Ancienne-Lorette (Quebec)
L'Ange-Gardien (Quebec)
L'Ange-Gardien (Ontario)
L'Ange-Gardien (Quebec)
L'Annonciation (Quebec)
L'Anse-Saint-Jean (Quebec)
L'Anse-au-Clair (Newfoundland and Labrador)
L'Anse-au-Griffon (Quebec)
L'Anse-au-Loup (Newfoundland and Labrador)
L'Anse-aux-Canons (Quebec)
L'Anse-aux-Fraises (Quebec)
L'Anse-du-Portage (Quebec)
L'Anse-à-Valleau (Quebec)
L'Archeveque (Nova Scotia)
L'Ardoise (Nova Scotia)
L'Ardoise West (Nova Scotia)
L'Arrondissement (Quebec)
L'Ascension (Quebec)
L'Ascension (Quebec)
L'Assomption (Quebec)
L'Avenir (Quebec)
La Broquerie (Manitoba)
La Conception (Quebec)
La Doré (Quebec)
La Durantaye (Quebec)
La Macaza (Quebec)
La Malbaie (Quebec)
La Minerve (Quebec)
La Palestine (Quebec)
La Patrie (Quebec)
La Perdriole (Quebec)
La Perle (Alberta)
La Petite-Barbue (Quebec)
La Petite-Minerve (Quebec)
La Pocatière (Quebec)
La Pointe (Nova Scotia)
La Prairie (Quebec)
La Prairie (Nova Scotia)
La Providence (Quebec)
La Pêche (Quebec)
La Reine (Quebec)
La Renouche (Ontario)
La Rivière (Manitoba)
La Romaine (Quebec)
La Ronge (Saskatchewan)
La Salette (Ontario)
La Salle (Manitoba)
La Salle (Ontario)
La Sarre (Quebec)
La Scie (Newfoundland and Labrador)
La Seigneurie (Quebec)
La Seigneurie (Quebec)
La Tabatière (Quebec)
La Trappe (Quebec)
La Visitation (Quebec)
La Visitation-de-Yamaska (Quebec)
La Visitation-de-l'Île-Dupas (Quebec)
LaRue Mills (Ontario)
LaSalle (Ontario)
LaSalle Park (Ontario)
Labelle (Quebec)
Labrador City (Newfoundland and Labrador)
Lac Delage (Quebec)
Lac La Biche (Alberta)
Lac du Bonnet (Manitoba)
Lac-Beauport (Quebec)
Lac-Brome (Quebec)
Lac-Drolet (Quebec)
Lac-Etchemin (Quebec)
Lac-Mégantic (Quebec)
Lac-au-Saumon (Quebec)
Lac-Édouard (Quebec)
Lachenaie (Quebec)
Lachine (Quebec)
Lachute (Quebec)
Lacolle (Quebec)
Lacombe (Alberta)
Ladner (British Columbia)
Ladysmith (British Columbia)
Laforge-1 (Quebec)
Lake Charlotte (Nova Scotia)
Lake Cowichan (British Columbia)
Lake Louise (Alberta)
Lakehurst (Ontario)
Lakeshore (Ontario)
Lakeside (Prince Edward Island)
Lambton Shores (Ontario)
Lamont (Alberta)
Lamèque (New Brunswick)
Lanark (Ontario)
Landing (Quebec)
Landis (Saskatchewan)
Landreville (Quebec)
Landry (Quebec)
Lands End (New Brunswick)
Lanes (Ontario)
Lang (Saskatchewan)
Lang Bay (British Columbia)
Langdon (Alberta)
Langdon (Ontario)
Langenburg (Saskatchewan)
Langford (British Columbia)
Langford (Ontario)
Langham (Saskatchewan)
Langley (British Columbia)
Langley (British Columbia)
Langman (Ontario)
Langruth (Manitoba)
Langside (Ontario)
Languedoc (Quebec)
Laniel (Quebec)
Lanigan (Saskatchewan)
Lanoieville (Quebec)
Lanoraie (Quebec)
Lansdowne (Ontario)
Lansdowne (Alberta)
Lansdowne (Nova Scotia)
Lansdowne (Nova Scotia)
Lantier (Quebec)
Lantzville (British Columbia)
Lapland (Nova Scotia)
Larchwood (Ontario)
Lardeau (British Columbia)
Larder Lake (Ontario)
Largie (Ontario)
Lark Harbour (Newfoundland and Labrador)
Larkhaven (Saskatchewan)
Larkins (Ontario)
Larkspur (Alberta)
Larkspur (Alberta)
Larochelle (Quebec)
Larocque (Ontario)
Larouche (Quebec)
Larrimac (Quebec)
Larrys River (Nova Scotia)
Larson (Ontario)
Lasalle (Quebec)
Lascelles (Quebec)
Lashburn (Saskatchewan)
Laskay (Ontario)
Lasswade (Ontario)
Latchford (Ontario)
Latchford Bridge (Ontario)
Latimer (Ontario)
Latimer Lake (New Brunswick)
Latta (Ontario)
Latties Brook (Nova Scotia)
Latulipe (Quebec)
Latulipe-et-Gaboury (Quebec)
Lauder (Manitoba)
Lauderbach (Ontario)
Lauderdale (Alberta)
Laura (Saskatchewan)
Laurel (Alberta)
Laurel (Ontario)
Laurel (Quebec)
Laurel-Station (Quebec)
Laurence (Quebec)
Laurentian Belaire (British Columbia)
Laurentian Hills (Ontario)
Laurentian Hills (Ontario)
Laurentian View (Ontario)
Laurentien (Ontario)
Laurier Heights (Alberta)
Laurin (Ontario)
Lauriston (Ontario)
Lauréat (Quebec)
Lauvergot (New Brunswick)
Laval (Quebec)
Laval-Nord (Quebec)
Laval-Ouest (Quebec)
Laval-des-Rapides (Quebec)
Lavaltrie (Quebec)
Lavant (Ontario)
Lavant Station (Ontario)
Laverlochère (Quebec)
Lavigne (Ontario)
Lavillette (New Brunswick)
Lavington (British Columbia)
Lavoie (Quebec)
Lavoie (Quebec)
Lavoy (Alberta)
Lawn (Newfoundland and Labrador)
Lawrence Colony (Quebec)
Lawrence Heights (Ontario)
Lawrence Manor (Ontario)
Lawrence Park (Ontario)
Lawrence Park (Ontario)
Lawrence Park (Ontario)
Lawrence Station (Ontario)
Lawrence Station (New Brunswick)
Lawrencetown (Nova Scotia)
Lawrencetown (Nova Scotia)
Lawrenceville (Quebec)
Lawson (Saskatchewan)
Lawson Heights (Saskatchewan)
Lax Kw'alaams (British Columbia)
Laxgalts'ap (British Columbia)
Layton (Ontario)
Lazo (British Columbia)

T: 0.00999 s.

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